Start the journey to independence with our Skills Inventory.
When an individual moves into their own home for the first time, they bring more than just furniture and boxes. They also take all of their skills and experiences.
Just like a packing list, Center for Independent Futures’ Skills Inventory ensures that individuals have what they need for full, independent lives. On this page, you can access a portion of our Skills Inventory, carefully selected to include the core skills for independence.
Along with this list, we’ve included more materials to help families prepare for their loved one’s move-out day. You’ll learn about our process to determine skill level and strategies for supporting individuals to develop skills. The packet includes templates for breaking down tasks into smaller steps, inventories to use before and after skills coaching, and planning worksheets. These tools and resources are designed to guide families through the first steps of creating independent lives.
To learn more about our expanded Skills Inventory, reach out to today!
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