Accessible public transportation can be a cornerstone of a full life. The ability to get around gives us the freedom to keep from being isolated, keeps us connected with friends and family, and gets us to work.
We encourage our community to have their voices heard on the issue of accessible public transit in northern Chicago and Evanston. 
Please consider joining CTA staff to learn about a planning study for the future of the Red and Purple Lines and provide input about how the transit experience could be improved.
Attend a virtual community meeting about the RPM Next Phases Study on March 14 (Chicago project area) or March 16 (Purple Line Evanston Branch) to hear from the project team about the CTA’s vision for a more accessible, reliable, and modern Red and Purple Line. Similar information will be shared at both meetings. You are also invited to take a survey to share your input, whether you can attend a meeting or not.
Tuesday, March 14, 2023 | 6-7 pm
Chicago Project Area Click here to register for the Zoom meeting
Thursday, March 16, 2023 | 6-7 pm
Purple Line Evanston Branch Click here to register for the Zoom meeting
Take the Survey Survey Link
CTA is undertaking the next phase of the Red and Purple Modernization (RPM) program to rebuild and modernize the 100-year-old northern portion of the Red and Purple Lines from Belmont to Linden.
Phase One of the RPM program is currently under construction (in the area just north of Belmont station and approximately between Lawrence and Bryn Mawr stations).
The RPM Next Phases Planning Study initiates the planning work necessary to complete the improvements along the remaining areas within the 9.6-mile corridor, including the entirety of the 3-mile Purple Line Evanston Branch.
Once completed, the RPM program would fully replace infrastructure and stations that are significantly beyond their useful life and would allow CTA to increase train capacity, add accessibility, and improve the customer experience for generations to come. The RPM Next Phases Planning Study is the first step of the planning process that will set goals and objectives, engage the public, identify potential projects, and evaluate alternatives and
The RPM Next Phases Planning Study focuses on three segments of the north Red Line and the Purple Line Evanston Branch:
Addison to Sheridan
Thorndale to Howard
Evanston Branch (Howard to Linden)