Art Encounter honors CIF as their Community Partner of the Year 

This February, Art Encounter announced Center for Independent Futures as their 2022 Community Partner of the Year.

Art Encounter is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating, empowering, and connecting people of all ages and backgrounds through interactive encounters with visual art. Their broad range of programs foster community, creativity, and a greater understanding of the world around us.

During the 2020 pandemic shutdown, Jeff Morthorst, CIF’s Activities Director, partnered with Art Encounter to provide creative and social enrichment through virtual and in-person hands-on artmaking workshops, visits to artists’ studios, and in-depth coaching of independent studio practice.

Together CIF and Art Encounter have grown our Art Club over the past few years thanks to the passion and dedication of Art Encounter staff, Jeff’s work to provide high-quality activities, and CIF’s creative grants team Niki Moe and Geri Miller-Brown. Congratulations everyone!

Success Stories

Current Month

mon13jan4:00 pmmon5:00 pmYoga - Monday - In Person & Zoom

mon13jan5:00 pmmon6:30 pmBook Club - Zoom

tue14jan3:00 pmtue4:00 pmTuesday Walking Club - In Person

wed15jan11:30 amwed12:30 pmTrivia Group - In-Person and Zoom

wed15jan1:00 pmwed2:00 pmSocial Hour - Wednesday - Zoom

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