Musical Theater Appreciation – Zoom


SKU: CIF-WIN25-MTA Category:


This group is led by professional live musical theater actor, Jacob Hoffman and a staff member. “Each class, we will spend time celebrating and learning more about America’s greatest invention: Musical Theatre.

Participants will explore musicals and their connection to other forms of entertainment. How does The Wizard of Oz influence its modern sibling, The Wiz? How do modern movie musicals borrow from their live counterparts (i.e. Hairspray live on Broadway vs. the many movie iterations of Hairspray)? We will travel from musical theatre’s infancy in the 1940s all the way to today’s hits, with fun trivia, guest appearances, and scene study sprinkled in along the way.

Writing exercises, small group sharing, in-session viewings, and Zoom sing-a-longs will make for a time you won’t soon forget!”

The fee covers 9 sessions for $180.

Fridays: January 10, 24, and 31, and February 7, 14, and 21, and March 7, 14, and 28.

Please note the new time: 4:00-5:00 pm. 


Minimum enrollment: 7

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